Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hello World!

Matt finally got around to making me a sweet header for a blog, so I am starting to blog again! Plus, the kids wanted to participate in this blog. So, here we are. Expect amazing things to come in the near future, probably even a picture of our cat, she is pretty cute.


  1. Love your pictures, I'm so excited. I have a blog, I always forget to do it, but that doesn't change that I check others and get excited to see what they are up to. I check your thoughtful spot a lot, but never anything new. I love this layout too. Hope things are going good for you!!

  2. Thank you, Jenny! I always check yours as well! My thoughtful spot blog fell to the wayside, maybe one day I'll pick it back up. For now, I am going to focus on this one! I hope you don't mind I put you on my blog roll!
