Saturday, November 13, 2010

Atitude of Gratitude: Many, Many Things!

Life kind of got in the way of blogging the past 9 days. Here are 9 things I am grateful for:

-My Home: it may not be my dream home or even the house I want to live in, but I am ever so grateful to have a roof over my head!

-My Ramp: it's so nice not being a prisoner in my house!

-My Friends: I have been blessed with many wonderful friends!

-My Brother: I don't get to see my brother much, but I am thankful to have a sibling that loves my kids!

-Veteran's: I am thankful for those that have fought in wars and helped secure our freedom & I am thankful to those soldiers who continue to fight for that freedom today!

-Beautiful Earth: We just finished with the beautiful fall season with all the changing colors of leaves, and as much as I hate the snow and the cold that accompanies it, I love it when the ground and surrounding mountains are blanketed in white. It is absolutely gorgeous!

-My Body: It may not be the body I wish I had. In fact I am often frustrated with its limitations, but aside from the frustration I am so very thankful for each and every day I get to be on this earth.

-Scrapbooks: I love working on scrapbooks, looking at scrapbooks, and I love shopping for scrapbook supplies!! It brings me much happiness!!

-Inventions: This is a weird one, but one I am thankful for all the same. When I think about life 10 years ago, cell phones were not an every person must have one kind of thing. There were no iPods! Gasp!! I am always so amazed with the things that are invented! (also thankful for those medical inventions as well!)

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