Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude: MuSiC!!

I so , so, sooooo, so wish that I had some kind of musical talent, either singing or playing a musical instrument. But I have not been blessed in this area. :(

However, I have been blessed with an iPod full of music! I love all kinds of music- except for most country music. I love riding in the car listening to music. I love doing housework with music blaring. And most of all I love listening to my kids play the piano. They have been playing for a couple of years now and are improving every year.

Yet we find ourselves at a crossroads with the kids, because they are dragging their feet when it comes to practicing and putting up such a fight that I am beginning to question if it's worth it???
Chloe is pretty busy with the multiple activities she is currently in, but Jordan doesn't have many activities because of the muscular dystrophy and I like to see him involved in at least one activity and piano is something he can do.

For now I am leaving them in piano lessons, hoping that one day in the future they will both thank me for making them stick with it! After all, I am thankful that they have this opportunity to develop a musical talent and I enjoy hearing them play!!

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