Monday, September 12, 2011

Sixteenth Anniversary

Matthew and I celebrated our sixteenth wedding anniversary on Friday! We originally had a trip scheduled to St. George, but Matt had a business trip come up so we rescheduled the trip for the first week of November.

My sweetie has been working 18-20 hour days the past two weeks as he prepared/trained/and launched a new computer program for work. Top that off with a cold/fever combo that he came down with Thursday night, there really wasn't much celebrating going on.

He came upstairs about 1:30 PM and said he'd be right back. He came back with Cafe Rio for lunch, yummy! I did eat it alone, since he went straight back to work. I saw him again about 4:30PM when he came upstairs to go pick Chloe up from school. He wanted to go out after he dropped Chloe off at her friends. I wasn't about to let that happen, seeing how he couldn't stop sneezing and had  a temperature of 101 degrees!

We decided to watch X-Men:First Class, which turned into me watching X-Men:First Class and him snoring 10 minutes into the movie. He did wake up 10 minutes before it ended- mainly because his alarm went off reminding him to go pick Jordan up from his friend's house. When he came back, he was back to work and I didn't see him again until 2:30am!

This has been the craziness of our lives for the past little while. I can't wait for October to get here and work hours to get back to normal!

In between all this craziness, he did give me my favorite-EST card ever.

It's Purple and Sparkly! And perfectly, perfect! And the inside has the sweetest things written in it that completely melted my heart! All I could think is "yep, he's still got it!" I love it when he gets all Romantical on me!

And to go with my perfectly, perfect card------------>
Life doesn't get any better than iTunes money to burn! Which I've already burned through half!! Good thing Christmas is around the corner!!

I am so thankful for the sixteen years we've had, and I'm even more thankful for the many years a head. I am such a lucky, lucky girl!

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