Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Jordan has had a rough couple of days. It started with a bad time at one of his best friend's birthday party last Saturday, basically Jordan was hit with the reality of the limitations the muscular dystrophy has placed upon his body. Especially, with how much the disease has progressed in the last 6 months. I won't go into all the details, other than to say it was a heartbreaking night, with both Jordan and I crying ourselves to sleep.

The following night, Sunday, as we were heading to bed Jordan was complaining that his ear hurt. Sure enough the next morning he was still complaining and his right ear was covered in goop.

I am surrounded by earthly angels. Two of my best friends offered to take us to the doctors (Matt is still in Orlando), but in the end my mother-in-law was able to leave work early and get him to his appointment. Turns out Jordan has a double ear infection and was given a 10-day prescription of antibiotics. The doctor also took a culture of the ear goop to make sure there isn't any bacteria along with the infection that would require other meds. Because Jordan wasn't running a fever he also got a flu shot & a pneumonia shot that his pulmonary doctor requested he get. And another round of "kudos" goes to my M-I-L for convincing Jordan to get the shots, usually Matt has to pin him down for any type of shots or IV's.

Silly me thought 'he has the antibiotics, he'll be good to go'. Nope, not even close! He was up whimpering and complaining about how badly his arm was hurting from the shots almost every hour. Then at 2:30am, he was up sobbing because he was in so much pain. At this point I'm thinking ok, who do I call to come take us to the hospital......after saying a prayer, I felt calm and had the impression to try the warm wash cloth again. He was able to get back to sleep and woke up again at 5:30am- this time it was because the alarm went off that is for Chloe to get ready for early morning seminary. He was still complaining of arm pain and also his arm pit. Even more troublesome was that I could feel heat radiating from him and his temperature read 101.9. I gave him the last dose of Motrin we had and back to bed we went (after getting Chloe out the door of course!)

After a couple more hours of restless, whimpering sleep he woke up ready for breakfast and his antibiotic. Thankfully, one of my besties came over after running to the store for more Motrin and also helped us get the milk out of the fridge that was too heavy for me and Jordan's arm was too sore to lift.....my friend also confirmed that although his fever, swollen arm, sore arm and arm pit, and now the lovely rash that was mainly squiggly lines all around the shot site that he was now sporting were all worrisome, but not quite "sound the alarm" type of worry.

We drew (or rather, she drew) a circle around the rash. We started a log to document all of these things. And watched him through out the day. Thankfully the rash ceased to spread- only one squiggly line went a tad outside the circle she drew. The light pinkness of the lines have faded even more by this evening. He says his arm hurts but isn't in pain like last night and this morning. He still has a fever which stays down with the Motrin, but overall I would say he is on the mend. I am hoping he can get some good rest tonight, kick the fever and be back to school tomorrow!!

Again, I am so very grateful for the many loving friends and family that are so supportive during these times of crisis! I feel so very blessed!

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