In February, Jordan turned 12 years old and was ordained a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood! Isn't he a handsome he a handsome young man!!
In March, our family headed to the happiest place on earth- Disneyland! Chloe celebrated her 13th birthday in Disneyland! Our family had a blast!

In April, Matt had a work conference in Prague, Czech Republic & Chloe accompanied him. A volcano erupted in Iceland and disrupted travel in Europe causing the conference to be canceled, and turning the trip into a full-blown vacation! Luckily, the airports re-opened on the day Matt & Chloe were originally scheduled to fly home so they weren't stranded over there longer than planned!

In June, Jordan attended his first ever MDA (muscular dystrophy association) Camp. He had so much fun and can't wait for camp in 2011! Notice the name on this photo- I always send the kids off to their camps with a camera full of film or batteries, and they always come back empty. Imagine my surprise when I was visiting one of my favorite blogs and came across photos from the MDA Summer Camp and Jordan was in a few!! It truly is a small world. Amy, is the creative genius behind The Idea Room Blog and an amazing person to devote time to the MDA Summer Camp- have a LOOKSEE at her blog

{will post photos as soon as I find them!}
Matt also returned to Prague in June for the conference that had to be re-schedule from April because of the volcano.

July was our lazy days of summer- except for Matt who was travelling half the month for work. One week in Connecticut & another week in San Diego. The kids had fun hanging out with friends and playing around. There was only one minor speed bump that month - our itty bitty kitty lost her marbles one day (of course while Matt was away) and attacked Jordan. We still don't know what set her off, but thankfully there have been no other incidents and her & Jordan are once again friends

August was Chloe's Hunter-Copperhills Stake Camp. Once again, she had a blast camping and loves her friends and wonderful young women leaders!
August was Chloe's Hunter-Copperhills Stake Camp. Once again, she had a blast camping and loves her friends and wonderful young women leaders!

We went to Lagoon with our besties in August!
{will post photos as soon as I find them!}
Jordan & Matt went to the Father's and Son's Camp-out, where it rained and rained, and rained! They still managed to have fun & were saved because a friend had already arranged for them to stay in a warm cozy trailer with them!
{will post photos as soon as I find them!}
In September, Jordan went on a Scout Camp-out with his troop (consisting of him and Ammon) to Trial Lake!

November was our annual stay downtown the day after Thanksgiving! We saw the lighting of Temple Square and stayed the night at the Hilton.

December was a month full of the kid's performances: Chloe's Studio Christmas Dance Concert, Jordan's Band Concert, Chloe's Orchestra Performance, and of course topping it all off with a very Merry Christmas!

2010 was filled with many adventures, life-time experiences, and lots of smiles! No doubt that 2011 will be filled with just as many adventures, life-time experiences, and smiles! We feel very blessed and can't wait to see what the New Year brings us!!
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