Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rough Day
Jordan had a rough day. The moment he woke up this morning he was complaining of pain. We gave him some pain medication, and it seemed to help. It was basically a mellow day of watching some Veronica Mars on Netflix and playing Mario on the Wii while he laid on the couch. He said that when he stands up the pain is 10x worse. We're pretty sure the pain is from the adjustment/tightening the Doctor did at the appointment yesterday. He is now off to slumber land thanks to more pain medication. Hoping he wakes up tomorrow without this pain and discomfort......

I can't let March end and not mention the fact that my Chloe celebrated her Fourteenth BiRtHdAy on March 15th!! I feel so lucky to have such an amazing daughter. Miss Chloe is always so ready and willing to help out around the house (I rarely have to bribe her ;)) She is also an amazing example in her faith and continues to surprise me with her strong values and is a great friend, but enough gushing already....
Here are 14 FuN FaCtS about Miss Chloe:
- Favorite color is PURPLE
- Favorite t.v. show is Modern Family
- Favorite movie is Inception (cuz she's cool like that!)
- Favorite food is Tacos
- Least Favorite food is Tomatoes
- Favorite treat is a Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake Shake from Artic Circle
- Her Besties are Candace and Jarrah
- Her Favorite subject in school is History
- Her least Favorite subject in school is Chinese (& I would say Art because she complains everyday about this class- mainly about the teacher.)
- Her Favorite things to do are to watch movies and play games
- Her Favorite board game is WHAT?? (there's really a game called What?? AND it's fun!)
- Her Favorite Song is First Time by The Script
- Her Favorite thing that's happened so far this year- "Going to Disneyland with family & friends!!"
- The thing she is looking forward to most this year- "Being in Mia Maids!"
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
PhD (not referring to Doctorate or Doctor of Philosphy)
This post has nothing to do with the current doctors in our life at the moment, but is more about the nurses we encountered last week while Jordan was in the hospital.
First off, I have to give a SHOUT OUT to Andrea, Jess, and Lauren! They did an excellent job!! Anyone who has stayed in a hospital for longer than an hour, knows that nurses either make the stay less miserable or add to the misery of being there.
Andrea was our nurse the first night there. Every time Jordan threw up his bucket full of blood she was right there. Every time one of his machines even started to beep, she was there before it could even get a full beep out (which is key because machines beeping is really not conducive to rest/sleep.) She was awesome!
Jess took over for Andrea the following day. Bringing along his student nurse, Lauren. Jess is the first man-nurse we've ever had and he did an great job. The PhD comes into play with Jess. At some point during one of Jordan's vital checks, Matt (who had been on a work conference call in the room, talking his techie mumble jumble earlier that morning) made a comment that I don't recall exactly what it was, but a few minutes later Jess turns to Matt and says, "Oh, I forgot to ask you what part of the medical field are you in and where do you practice." This of course made us laugh, because this is not the first time Matt has been mistaken as a member of the medical field. Matt's PhD stands for Phony-Hypocrite-Deceiver instead of Doctor of Philosophy! LOL! Matt explained that he has nothing to do with the medical field, but is in fact just a computer geek in the technology world. This didn't seem to faze Jess who continued to pop in, aside from the usual vital checks, to chat about everything from Disneyland to Career advice (Jess wanted Matt's opinion because there's a path he could take that would delve deeper into the technology side of nursing.) Even at the end of the day with his coat and bag on, Jess still stopped in to wish Jordan luck and say good-bye to our family. That shows that nursing is more than just a job, Jess was awesome!
Lauren, Jess' student nurse really grew on us. We couldn't help but give her a hard time after my dad had asked her a question, she threw her arms in the air and said, "Don't ask me, I'm just a student nurse that doesn't know anything yet!" It was young, cute, and naive of her. But Lauren really showed she was on her way to becoming an awesome nurse. Especially on our third day she was back, this time following another nurse and she really shined as she helped clean Jordan up from all the blood and drainage from his nose before we headed home.
I am so thankful to those nurses that went the extra mile in making our stay a little more tolerable and for giving us the laugh of Matt's PhD!
First off, I have to give a SHOUT OUT to Andrea, Jess, and Lauren! They did an excellent job!! Anyone who has stayed in a hospital for longer than an hour, knows that nurses either make the stay less miserable or add to the misery of being there.
Andrea was our nurse the first night there. Every time Jordan threw up his bucket full of blood she was right there. Every time one of his machines even started to beep, she was there before it could even get a full beep out (which is key because machines beeping is really not conducive to rest/sleep.) She was awesome!
Jess took over for Andrea the following day. Bringing along his student nurse, Lauren. Jess is the first man-nurse we've ever had and he did an great job. The PhD comes into play with Jess. At some point during one of Jordan's vital checks, Matt (who had been on a work conference call in the room, talking his techie mumble jumble earlier that morning) made a comment that I don't recall exactly what it was, but a few minutes later Jess turns to Matt and says, "Oh, I forgot to ask you what part of the medical field are you in and where do you practice." This of course made us laugh, because this is not the first time Matt has been mistaken as a member of the medical field. Matt's PhD stands for Phony-Hypocrite-Deceiver instead of Doctor of Philosophy! LOL! Matt explained that he has nothing to do with the medical field, but is in fact just a computer geek in the technology world. This didn't seem to faze Jess who continued to pop in, aside from the usual vital checks, to chat about everything from Disneyland to Career advice (Jess wanted Matt's opinion because there's a path he could take that would delve deeper into the technology side of nursing.) Even at the end of the day with his coat and bag on, Jess still stopped in to wish Jordan luck and say good-bye to our family. That shows that nursing is more than just a job, Jess was awesome!
Lauren, Jess' student nurse really grew on us. We couldn't help but give her a hard time after my dad had asked her a question, she threw her arms in the air and said, "Don't ask me, I'm just a student nurse that doesn't know anything yet!" It was young, cute, and naive of her. But Lauren really showed she was on her way to becoming an awesome nurse. Especially on our third day she was back, this time following another nurse and she really shined as she helped clean Jordan up from all the blood and drainage from his nose before we headed home.
I am so thankful to those nurses that went the extra mile in making our stay a little more tolerable and for giving us the laugh of Matt's PhD!
One Week Down.....Eleven More to Go!
Today, Jordan had his first follow-up with the surgeon since his surgery on March 21. All went well at the visit and Jordan even came away with good news.....
Jordan is healing nicely from the surgery. The doctor seemed very impressed with the progress the halo has made. Originally, he had another two weeks of turning "the key" on his halo (which is basically a little wrench that we use to turn the little knobs on the front mouth piece of his halo), but things have moved into place much quicker than expected and this Sunday evening will be his last turning of "the key." After the last turn of "the key" it will be waiting for the bones to set and re-grow for the next eleven weeks with the halo still on.
The icky, painful part seems to be behind Jordan. The hard part is he's already asking to go back to school. If there wasn't such a high risk of him falling or being bumped we would send him back tomorrow. The doctor feels it's safer to have him home during this time. So for the next eleven weeks while he has his halo on, he's stuck with his boring parents! ;)
Jordan is looking forward to June 8th, the day he should be getting his halo off and his freedom RESTORED!! (Especially since that's the day BEFORE he leaves for MDA Summer Camp!)
Jordan is healing nicely from the surgery. The doctor seemed very impressed with the progress the halo has made. Originally, he had another two weeks of turning "the key" on his halo (which is basically a little wrench that we use to turn the little knobs on the front mouth piece of his halo), but things have moved into place much quicker than expected and this Sunday evening will be his last turning of "the key." After the last turn of "the key" it will be waiting for the bones to set and re-grow for the next eleven weeks with the halo still on.
The icky, painful part seems to be behind Jordan. The hard part is he's already asking to go back to school. If there wasn't such a high risk of him falling or being bumped we would send him back tomorrow. The doctor feels it's safer to have him home during this time. So for the next eleven weeks while he has his halo on, he's stuck with his boring parents! ;)
Jordan is looking forward to June 8th, the day he should be getting his halo off and his freedom RESTORED!! (Especially since that's the day BEFORE he leaves for MDA Summer Camp!)
Monday, March 28, 2011
MeOw MoNdAy
My kitty would call me a traitor, but this is too cute not to share. Enjoy!
Missing Pants
When there are narcotics involved and parental lack of sleep, there are comical moments bound to transpire in the course of the recovery period.
One of those comical moments came Saturday night/Sunday morning. It had been a long night. Jordan was not feeling well. He was in a bit of pain and had an upset stomach. He never threw-up but felt nauseous the whole night. He finally fell asleep around 3:30 am.
When he finally woke up around 9:30 am he was no longer wearing his red basketball shorts he went to bed in, but was now wearing plaid pajama bottoms. Both Jordan and Matt had no recollection when the switch had happened during the night or why the switch had happened.
I'm still wondering if Matt had some of Jordan's Lortab before going to bed! :)
It has been one week since Jordan had his Le-Fort 1 surgery last Monday, and he seems to be recovering very nicely. It was great that he only had to spend 3 days in the hospital. The swelling has gone down substantially and he has some bruising on his face and jaw line. Jordan is eating/drinking a fair amount, as parents we would like to see him eat a bit more, but it will probably increase as time passes. He hasn't complained much about pain and only takes pain medication at night to help him relax and sleep. He's only had two bad nights since being home from the hospital and hopefully that will be all! Jordan decided he needed some "fresh air" so he went with his dad into the office for an hour while Matt filled out an expense report for his last business trip. It seemed to tire him out a bit, but he seemed to enjoy getting out of the house for a moment. Jordan sees his surgeon on Wednesday morning to check the progress of the movement of his jaw line and his incisions to see that they're healing correctly. We are so thankful that everything has gone so smoothly and we are thankful for all the prayers on Jordan's behalf. All of our family and friend's have been so supportive during this time and we are grateful!! We will keep you posted on what the doctor says on Wednesday, and hopefully Jordan will let me share pictures of his journey then. (He has threatened me that no pictures are to appear on Facebook or the family blog at this time.)
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